- kmassey49
Weekly Announcements
Updated: Oct 4
Connect 5 Call – Week of October 4th, 2021
Good evening Bulldog Families! This is Jon Williams, principal of Booker T. Washington Learning Center with your BTW Weekly announcements for the week of October 4th, 2021.
We hope all of you enjoyed the weekend and we look forward to another great week at Booker T!
Attention Students and Families: October is Anti Bullying Awareness Month and Breast Cancer Awareness Month. SCORE and Day Treatment programs will both be having special events each week, and we will end October with Red Ribbon Spirit Week. We are excited about supporting these worthwhile causes. Monday October 4th is “Blue Up Day” - please wear a blue shirt for “Bullying Prevention Awareness Day.” All Wednesdays in October, please wear pink, and also Wacky Socks on October 4th. Thanks for your participation!
Attention Day Tre
atment Families: We look forward to the CFT meetings scheduled this week. Our students continue to make progress that we love sharing with their team.
Attention SCORE and Day Treatment Students and Families: Our students are working hard to achieve their goals and achievements. Keep up the great work Day Treatment and SCORE students.
Attention Families: If you ever have questions, please contact the school at (336)634-3209. You may also visit our website at “scorecenter.org” for current news.
As always, it is our goal for all students at Booker T. Washington Learning Center to be successful and work to transition back to your home school. Let’s make it a great week! Thanks, stay safe and remember… at the SCORE Center and the Day Treatment Program, we are #HISTORYMAKERS” !