- Matt Rice
Testing Information
Updated: May 8
Click on the link below for important information about testing from the RCS Testing Department.
High School EOC Exam Letter
May 9th, 2022
To: Score Student & Parents
From: Dr. Greggory Slate - Director of Secondary Schools
Dr. Charles Perkins - Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
Mr. Jason Hyler - Director of Testing and Accountability
Mr. Matthew Rice - Principal of Booker T. Washington Learning Center (SCORE)
Re: 2021-2022 Spring Testing Information
Testing for High School EOC courses will begin on Friday May 27th through Friday June 3rd. Attached to this letter is the testing schedule for your child if they are enrolled in an EOC course. Please make sure if your child is scheduled to test that they are present at school and have had a good night’s rest. It is our desire that each student is successful and performs to the best of their ability during End of Grade testing and everyday.
Daily Schedule
All EOC and CTE Exams must be administered at school on a school issued Chromebook. After testing is completed, students who choose to leave will follow the normal school procedures for checking out early. Bus transportation will follow the NORMAL DISMISSAL SCHEDULE for all students in Rockingham County. Some students may be scheduled for makeup testing after a regularly scheduled exam.
Students should not visit any other Rockingham County Schools’ Campus during any exam days. Students who are found on other campuses may be charged with trespassing (Board Policy 4302).
Exam Exemptions
Exam exemptions are limited due to required state testing measures; no EOC or CTE test may be exempted. Students should check with their individual school with any specific questions. Students who do not attend school during exam days will be counted as absent. Please note that athletic eligibility for Fall 2021 is based on grades and attendance from 2nd semester. Student athletes who have questions regarding attendance should see their school’s athletic director.
Inclement Weather
If school is canceled, testing will continue (or begin) on the next full day of school. Also, if school is delayed (1 or 2 hours), an announcement will be made by the Rockingham County School District notifying parents and students whether or not exams will take place. If a student misses school, he/she will be counted as absent.
Counting EOC Exams scores as part of the Final Grade
As in previous years, the EOC test raw scores will be converted to a 100 point score and this 100 point score will be averaged as 20% of the student’s final course grade. Grades for Biology, Math I and Math III will be available soon after the testing is completed. However, because the English II test requires scoring of the written response component, grades for students who are in this course could be delayed by up to two weeks. If the scores are not quickly available, English II students will receive an Incomplete (I) on their report cards.
Our students and teachers have worked diligently to prepare for exams. If you have specific questions regarding your child’s exams, please contact your student’s teacher, guidance counselor, and/or principal.
Middle School EOG Exam Letter
May 9th, 2022
Dear Parents,
This letter is to notify you of the May 2022 End of Grade Testing Schedule for EOG testing in reading (grades 6-8), math (grades 6-8) and science (grade 8 only). Testing will begin on Friday May 20th and continue through Thursday May 26th. Our teachers and staff have worked diligently to prepare your student for the end of year testing. We appreciate all of the support you have provided throughout the year as well! By working together, we can make your child’s experience positive and successful. Here are some suggestions that you can put into practice to help your child do their very best on End of Grade tests.
Make sure your student gets a good night’s rest each night.
Have your student eat a healthy breakfast at home or in the cafeteria at school each morning.
Make sure your student is present and prompt each day during testing.
Encourage your student to do his/her best and that you have confidence in them each morning.
Testing will start promptly at the beginning of the regularly scheduled school day. If for any reason school is canceled, testing will continue the next full day of school. Students that are absent will be tested during a make-up testing session as scheduled by the school’s testing coordinator. Make-up testing sessions will be held daily during the testing window. Please try to have your student at school during the scheduled testing sessions to avoid any delay in test results. If students arrive after a testing session has started, they will not be able to join the session and will have to make up the test.
If you have specific questions, please contact your student’s teacher or principal. Again, we thank you for all you do to support your child’s progress and success.
Mr. Matthew S. Rice
Principal Book T. Washington Learning Center